In-Car Navigation
Garmin produce a wide range of in-car navigators to suit all journeys and all budgets. With a Garmin navigator on your dashboard, you can drive confidently and economically to every destination. |
Sports & Fitness
Get fit and stay in shape with a Garmin sportswatch or bike computer, featuring high-precision GPS to track every work-out or cycle ride. Share data at Garmin Connect and be part of our fitness community. |
Outdoor GPS
Walk, hike, explore and geocache with confidence using the Garmin range of outdoor GPS devices. Garmin will track your every step and guide you on the trail. |
Motorcycle GPS Navigator
Our motorcycle GPS Navigator – the zūmo 660 – is designed by bikers for bikers, with special features for travelling confidently and safely on two wheels in all weather conditions. |
Marine Products
Highly accurate GPS plotters keep you precisely on course, fishfinders, radomes and open array radars, easy-to-use reliable autopilots, marine VHF radios and AIS receivers plus multifunctional marine instruments. |
Aviation Products
Industry-leading electronics for pilot communication, navigation, cockpits, portable GPS navigators, ATC surveillance and hazard avoidance. |
Mobile Apps
Download Garmin apps for your iPhone® or Android™ smartphone. |